[spbfans] SPB Fans Charitable Foundation - Donation to Flood Victims in AP/Karnataka
For Photo Slide Show
Dear friends,
I am happy to share with you that an amount of Rs 75000 has been donated to Indian Red Cross by SPB Fans Charitable Foundation for the flood relief activity in AP and a similar amount to The Red Cross, Karnataka.
On 31.10. 2009, four of our Hyderabad members of SPB Fans Charitable Foundation, i.e Chaitanya, Mangalampalli Vijay, Mrs Usha and myself have met Justice Lakshman Rao, State Secretary, Indian Red Cross Society, AP State Branch, Hyderabad and handed over our donation cheque of Rs 75000 on behalf of SPB Fans Charitable Foundation. Justice Rao was extremely happy and appreciated our contribution and said that the money would be used genuinely for the flood relief activities. A letter of acknowledgement and reciept have been issued to us for the amount.
Justice Rao, went on to explain various activities of the IRC in AP and requested voluntary work for a couple of hours every week for participation in the social welfare causes being undertaken by IRC. He said if today's youth could spend even one hour per week for the society, we can build a better world.
He had personally enquired about the activities of the foundation and also about us individually. When we explained in details of our activities, he was very very appreciative of our Big Boss, Sri SPB and said that the fans of Sri SPB are doing a great job by helping the downtrodden and less privileged in the society thru charity work.
Having understood the interest, we made a call to Sri SPB and requested to speak to Justice Rao while we had donated the money. Justice Rao was very happy to speak to Sri SPB and expressed his deep appreciation and thankfulness for the donation and also for guiding the fans to the charity activities. He also wished Sri SPB a long life and great health. We also expressed with sincere thanks to Sri SPB for immediately obliging our request to speak to Justice Rao. It really made a lot of difference to the programme since Justice Rao had expressed his great happiness, having spoken to Sri SPB.
The meeting with Justice Rao has been coordinated by Sri Mohan Rao, Executive Secretary and Treasurer of IRC Hyderabad.
Four of us had a wonderful experience being a part of this noble gesture of SPB Fans Charitable Foundation for which we are thankful to Sri SPB and the managing committee members.
I sincerely thank our friends Chaitanya, Usha and Vijay M who have readily agreed to participate in the event and made it a real success.
Thanks and regards
Note: Coimbatore SPB Fans Thank to Mr.GRK,Mr.Chaitanya, Mrs.Usha and Mr.Vijay.M for great effort this noble cause through Our Dr.SPB Fans Charitable Foundation, Chennai.
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